Nicola Stegmann
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 1:1 Coaching with Nicola

I help women like you step into their radiance! To create a magical day to day life by transforming your energy, vitality and connection to yourself so you can enjoy all the beauty, passion and joy life has to offer!

I love working with women who are ready to go deep and commit to doing everything they need to transform their energy and step into their radiance. If that sounds like you, send me a DM on Insta or book in a complimentary compatibility call and let's chat more! 

Nicola Stegmann | Coaching With Me

I would love to  hear your story and chat about your radiance goals!


Like so many women who want more from this one precious life, do you feel …

Disconnected from yourself, your dreams and your purpose? 

Have you lost your way and know deep down the way you are living is not aligned to how you know in your soul you want to feel? 

Are you unhappy in your own skin and worried you’ll never unleash the full potential you know lives inside you? 

Your heart knows you were meant for so much more, that’s why you're here! BUT you are exhausted trying to figure it all out by yourself.

You want to find a better way (that works!) to get the radiance and vitality you desire and that truly is your birthright.

I get it! This used to be me.

For years I lived with little to no energy, struggled with my sleep, carried excess weight, and suffered from terrible skin, depression and anxiety.

From the outside my life looked successful but in reality I was barely surviving, never mind thriving.

I felt embarrassed and let down by my body and divorced from my heart.

I did not love myself at all and deep down I feared I would never experience the radiance I desired.

But I’m here to tell you that…

You can feel radiant! Glowing skin, sparkling eyes, lightness in your being and an excitement for life that brings you joy and confidence is possible. 

You can create incredible levels of energy that allow you to follow your dreams, to love more deeply, to live more fully. 

You can be that women whose inner light radiates around you, who embraces and loves who you are and feels connected to your intuition and inner knowing.

I’ve made this epic journey myself and I can show you how…

Through harnessing the magic of my radiance rituals you can transform the foundations and elevate your lifestyle so you can feel and be magnificent.

With my guidance you can learn to live in a way that honours your body, nourishes your mind and lights up your soul to bring you joy at the deepest level. 

Don’t waste another day living a life that you don’t love and in which you don’t love yourself.

Get in touch and book a complimentary Discovery Call with me to experience what a coaching session with me feels like and to explore options for working together if we find we are a great fit!

Nicola Stegmann | Lifestyle & Health Coach


We assess where you want to be and align to your soul guided goal.

Lifestyle & Health Coach for Women UK

Radiance Rituals

I create a bespoke radiance plan for you!

Nicola Stegmann | Radiance & Life Coach for Women


I guide you through your journey as you take the steps to shine.
